Bill Ayers Makes Awesome Dinner Company!

Want to know the latest reason Barack Obama’s ties to violent unrepentant terrorist William Ayers shouldn’t be held against him? Ayers and his terrorist wife make lovely dinner companions.

That’s the conclusion of retired University of Chicago professor Richard Stern after attending a handful of dinner parties with Ayers and his “attractive” wife Bernardine Dohrn.

I didn’t hold their fiery and criminally violent behavior against them. As in Chekhov’s wonderful story “Old Age,” time had planed down the sharp edges and brought one-time antagonists into each others’ arms. As far as I know, Ayers and Dohrn are loyal to the selves which led both of them to jail (though not for long), but they were busy doing other things, useful things, Ayers as educator, Dohrn as a legal counselor. They’d raised the child of a weatherman who’d been jailed, they were taking care of Bernadine’s ill mother, they were doing many things educated community activists were doing.

Yeah, and I bet Bill Ayers would make a delightful inauguration guest too.


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