Bristol Palin and Her Family Can Emerge as Role Models

While the liberal smear machine is busy decrying Sarah Palin’s choice of jewelry and gleefully branding her a “patsy for the patriarchy,” her family is dealing with a very private matter. The AP is reporting that 17-year-old Bristol Palin is five months pregnant and will raise her child with the support of her family and soon-to-be husband, Levi.

A statement released by the campaign said that Bristol Palin will keep her baby and marry the child’s father. Bristol Palin is five months pregnant, and the baby is due in late December.

“Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents,” Sarah and Todd Palin said in the brief statement.

“Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family,” they added.

The Palins demonstrate, yet again, that abortion need not be the default choice for an unplanned pregnancy or the only response to an unexpected prenatal diagnosis. They are unapologetically anti-abortion, and they walk the walk. By providing Bristol with a supportive home environment, Sarah and Todd Palin ensured that their daughter could comfortably make a choice consistent with her values.

The Obamas teach their daughters that “if they make a mistake,” they “don’t want them punished with a baby.” The Palins teach their daughters that even in the face of an unmistakable challenge, they have their “unconditional love and support.”

Which family provides a better model to which American families can aspire?

Which family sends the message that it’s okay to choose childbirth over abortion, to view children as blessings and not burdens?

While I am pro-choice, I have nothing but admiration for families who make it possible for teens to choose to raise children that result from unplanned pregnancies. McCain campaign aides confirm that Bristol Palin made the choice to continue her pregnancy. Not enough girls feel such a choice is available.

Bristol Palin did not plan to subject herself to intense media scrutiny, and does not deserve the vile, inappropriate bile “progressive” blog commenters are already spewing. But now that she’s under the media microscope, Bristol is uniquely positioned to make a huge difference in the lives of young women in this country.

I hope that Bristol Palin chooses to travel with the McCain campaign, talking to other girls and families, and teaching the country that abortion statistics will only plummet when American families and communities follow the Palin example of love, support, and acceptance. Like her mother, I’m certain she’ll be able to balance public life and family, even in the face of constant criticism and appalling misogyny.


2 Responses to “Bristol Palin and Her Family Can Emerge as Role Models”

  1. Rob Taylor on September 3rd, 2008 1:36 am

    Doesn’t this prove that today’s “feminism” is really just a collection of bigotry and projected loathing used to indoctrinate the unstable into unquestioning support for the Democratic Party?

    The vileness of the attacks on this 17-year-old girl sickens me and should sicken any real feminist, but like a clique of unpopular girls the Internet feminist establishment is reveling at her pain and humiliation while a bunch of rich White men, the literal patriarchy they decry, tear into this teen for doing nothing more than having a baby.

  2. Jenn Q. Public on September 3rd, 2008 1:49 am

    Agreed. The so-called feminist blogosphere is rife with some of the most venomous examples of liberals attacking not just Sarah Palin, but her minor daughter.

    And now, rags like Us Weekly and the NY Times are running hit pieces that will make this period even more challenging for Bristol and her fiancé. Us Weekly had the absurd gall to run an article pointing out that Levi, Bristol Palin’s husband-to-be, once ticked off a checkbox on MySpace indicating that he didn’t want kids.

    So freakin’ what?!? I once checked a box that said I was a democrat, but you won’t catch me doing that again.

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