HuffPo: Portraying Obama with a White Woman is Racist!

Do you see anything wrong with this photo?

Yeah, me neither.  But a whole gaggle of lefties say Matt Drudge was playing the race card by posting it on The Drudge Report yesterday.

According to HuffPo commenters, Drudge was intentionally trying to ruffle the feathers of white male Republicans, but it’s the liberals at HuffPo who have shown their true colors yet again: Klan white.


3 Responses to “HuffPo: Portraying Obama with a White Woman is Racist!”

  1. Stephen Kaus on October 19th, 2008 11:55 am

    So explain to me why Drudge chose this out of hundreds of pictures to feature all day above the fold. It was not part of the story with which he linked.

    He can do what he wants, but his motive is obvious. Drudge has never been so one sided in my memory as he has in this campaign.

  2. Rob Taylor on October 19th, 2008 1:33 pm

    That’s asinine. To accept that conspiracy theory we’d have to accept that Republicans are all racists and Americans in general were bigots, which simply isn’t true.

    There is nothing wrong with Barack Obama kissing a White person. People like you don’t like it and typical of White liberals (who are all racists just as Malcolm X said) you project your bigotry onto others as a way of making yourself feel better about the emotional and intellectual inferiority that drive you to see everything through the lens of race.

    When Drudge puts a Black man in Blackface (as you liberals did to Michael Steele) or calls a Black Secretary of State racist names (as you liberals do to Condi Rice) then talk to me, but until then why not spend some time telling your White fellow travelers to stop calling Black people who don’t support Obama race traitors?

  3. Jenn Q. Public on October 20th, 2008 1:14 am

    Stephen, the photo is a perfectly reasonable illustration to place next to a headline about Obama going door to door to drum up votes. If I agreed with Obama’s politics, I might even find the picture charming.

    But I guess you’re not interested in what’s reasonable. Like your candidate’s campaign, you’re using fabricated incidents of racism to try to discredit John McCain and his supporters. Your motives are obvious, and all but the most radically liberal voters would agree with me.

    As for Drudge being “one sided,” I don’t think it’s in dispute that Matt Drudge has right-leaning politics that sometimes influence his selection of headlines. Is there a problem with that? Should The Weekly Standard and National Review try to be less “one sided” too? How about The Huffington Post?

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