Letters to Charlie Gibson

A 500 character letter to Charlie Gibson, inspired by Jim Treacher’s much wittier effort:

Mr. Gibson,

Thank you for attempting to expand my definition of journalism during your interview with Sarah Palin. I was not aware that deliberate distortion and misrepresentation were acceptable practice in your field.

I’m sure you and your editing team appreciated the opportunity to do your jobs unencumbered by professional ethics. Principles can be so limiting to a journalist’s creativity.

By the way, your credibility called: it won’t be coming home. Ever.

Good luck in your new career.

Submit your own “Dear Charlie” letter at ABC.

If Sean Hannity is right that 2008 will be remembered as “the year journalism died,” Charlie Gibson may go down in history as the one who dug it up and violated its rotting corpse one last time.


2 Responses to “Letters to Charlie Gibson”

  1. Bill Hennessy on September 14th, 2008 11:58 am


    Great letter. I sent one, too. I’ve added you to my blog roll, because this web site offers some excellent thought and advocacy–something we’ve allowed the left to own far too long.

    I also love your theme so much that I adopted a modified version myself.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Jenn Q. Public on September 14th, 2008 6:29 pm

    Thanks, Bill! I just shot you an email.

    I loved your post about that lowlife Charley James. It’s nice to know there are others who are serious holding “journalists” accountable.

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