Sarah Palin and the Huffington Smear

Just in case you thought The Huffington Post was somehow more respectable than The Daily Kos, take a look at these tawdry smears of Sarah Palin vomited forth by Arianna’s lackeys on Friday:

Sarah Palin is a villainous thief and lying, contemptuous racist. She hates Rosa Parks and she hates you too. She is a Buchananite and an extremist with radical separatist ties who unlike Obama didn’t write her speech. She is both anti-science and anti-knowledge and amounts to nothing more than an empty distraction with a soap opera life.

All of that is just from the posts linked from the front page of HuffPo. There aren’t enough hours in the day to address the the rank invective and outright lies that dominate the reader comments.

And you know who else has written for The Huffington Post? Why yes, Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden.


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