The Audacity of Hope and the Paucity of Israel

I was going to ask you to guess what glaring omission Barack Obama made in his chapter on foreign policy in The Audacity of Hope, but I couldn’t stop myself from giving it away in the title of this post. Dan at GayPatriot just finished reading Obama’s book and notes that there are 54 pages on “The World Beyond Our Borders” and Israel isn’t mentioned. Not even once.

Wait. Obama titled The Audacity of Hope with a phrase coined by his anti-Semitic pastor and the book fails to address the Jewish State? Surely you jest!

In related news, young Jewish Obama supporters are descending upon the Fort Lauderdale area in an organized effort to convince their pro-Israel grandparents to vote for Obama in November. They’re calling it The Great Schlep, and one of their talking points is that “Obama hearts Israel and so do you.”

I’m just not feeling the love.


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