Jim DeMint: A Voice of Reason on the Bailout

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) opposes the bailout and voted his conscience in the Senate on Wednesday. DeMint has a solid history of fiscal conservatism that includes leading the charge against pork barrel spending in the Senate. His speech on the Senate floor was a welcome voice of reason amidst the pervasive fear mongering:

I don’t agree with Jim DeMint on some social issues, but on this he’s spot on. Let’s hope he’s working the phones to convince his colleagues in the House that the bailout bill can’t go forward in its current iteration.

Deliberations continue in the House today. Contact as many Representatives as you can to let them know that Americans of all political persuasions oppose the bailout. Michelle Malkin has contact info for every House GOP member who voted “No” on Monday.

Does The Bailout Plan Screw the Poor?

image: Theodor Kittelsen, An Unfortunate Bear Hunt

If by “poor” you mean responsible taxpayers who fulfill their financial commitments each month even if it means delaying nonessential purchases, then yes, the bailout screws the poor. OK, maybe that’s stretching the definition, but who else could Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva be referring to when he told reporters the United States bailout bill neglects the poor?

“They want to help the banks and not help the poor,” Lula said late on Saturday in Sao Paulo during a campaign rally ahead of Oct. 5 municipal elections.

“Why give $700 billion to the banks and no money to the poor guys who lost their houses,” Lula asked, according to local media. He referred to the troubled U.S. housing market.

Methinks Lula needs a bit of Economics 101 before he opens his mouth again.

Your Retirement Account is Temporarily Unavailable

Nice freakin’ timing, TIAA-CREF.

While half-listening to George W. Bush address the possibility of an economic doomsday, I decided to torture myself by checking on my retirement accounts. My initial attempts to login to TIAA-CREF were met with this unsettling message:

Planned maintenance? Probably. Crappy timing? Unquestionably.

Lehman Brothers Can Still Help in Emergencies

Behold, the Lehman Brothers emergency evacuation kit:

Kits like these are currently plentiful on eBay, and come complete with Lehman Brothers branded pen light, goggles, mask, whistle, and instructions. I guess yesterday’s junk is today’s collectible.

How’s that for a free market?

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